Wednesday, May 22, 2013

1 year surgiversary

December 2012
Before Picture! - 2010 I believe at Turner Falls..
Thoughts on my surgiversary..

I have a friend who is celebrating every month of turning 40 on Facebook, and as my surgeriversary approached, I realized that I at least want to be reflective each year on the anniversary of my second birthday, May 22, 2012..

Hard to believe its been a year since I had a gastric bypass surgery at Norman Regional..

Passing the blue ice test the day after surgery
ackground, I was at my highest weight in October 2011 of 436 lbs.  I struggled with weight since I was born.  I weighed over 100 lbs in Kindergarten and my parents had me enrolled in an outpatient weightless program at Kenosha Memorial Hospital at the age of 6. 

Its hard for me to relate to life without being overweight because its so much of who I am and has shaped my personality and choices.. 

I came to the decision to have the surgery due to several things.. In March 2011 I fell on a wet floor and hurt my knee and got terrible care and I realized that I would be in a hover round in walmart before I knew it.. 

In Summer 2011, I looked into my retirement account to see if I could up my coverage, and I realized that no one in my family who looked like me made it to 65 anyway.
In October 2011 - two days before my birthday  Doctor yelled at me and said I was killing myself and I did not see it..

Those all lead to a resolve to have surgery.

I started working to lose weight in November of 2011 while I waited for my insurance to change to one that would approve it and began attending Weight loss surgery seminars to find a doctor.  I met with the Surgeon of my choice, Dr. Lana Nelson on January 9th and started my Journey toward surgery. (and yes her Office is in Moore Medical Clinic but news reports is everyone made it out okay)..

Which included getting a CPAP in February 2012 ( I was totally sleep deprived) and loosing 75 lbs before surgery.

Since Surgery on May 22, 2012, I have lost 110 lbs.   I hope to continue losing but have been stalled out for several months at around 255. 

Thoughts on the past year:

Things went better than I expected in lots of ways:
The first 6 months, I really had no hunger - so eating was a bigger problem than not eating..  I had to
remember to do it.. and got grumpy or tired if I did not.
Besides a bad "dirty" wound (the one that they take stuff out of).. I healed pretty well with minimal
immediate complications.. (more later)
The care I received at the Bariatric Floor of Norman Regional on Porter was excellent.   I did not realize how good it was until I heard other stories.. that was a great choice. 

The things that I was worried about, did not become a big deal - and the things I was not worried about did.
  • I was so worried about the extra skin in my midsection.. its really not as bad as it could be and I refer to it as my taquito (because I can roll it up).. but it does not stretch below my knees.. or any of that non-sense.. and many shapers (Slimpressions, Yummie Tummie, help me immensely).  but the skin on my arms, drives me nuts, mainly because I can go sleeveless less than i could before.. I keep a picture on my phone to remind me how far I have come and not get too upset up about it..My legs are really bad too.. look like baby legs.. but they are much smaller.  I will likely do some skin surgery on my arms in the future, but no where else - because honestly where do you stop??
  • Pain was not nearly as bad as I expected, but I followed the nurse's advice and gave into taking pain meds for 2 weeks - and I would do that again..
  • Getting back to working out was a little harder - mainly because I was worried I would overdo it.. but I was losing weight without it.. but I really was not concerned about it before hand, but then it became a problem..  I think fear is the biggest problem of all. 
  • Post surgery hair loss was terrible and now I have crazy gastric bypass hair - I am hitting my protein goal -but my hair is thin is wiry.. and I don't like that.. 

So in march I had terrible stomach pain and I am on a watch for a internal hernia. I may have to have resurgery.. I am frustrated that it is a complication in 10 to 15% of all Gastric bypasses and it was not discussed at my 6 month's appt when I had already lost 100 lbs..I wish it would have..

Life after losing a lot of weight:
People - people say the dumbest things and don't realize it.. Like, wow you are pretty now.. or you are half the person you used to be..  Guess what.. I am all that person and more!! This surgery has helped me grow, know myself better,  and I could probably kick your ass at the gym!  People are also great.. see below.

Dating  - Damn does this get harder - people find out you have the surgery and you get a few responses - They ask about extra skin (Thanks Extreme Makeover Weight loss Edition for that..)   They judge or tell you about some woman who had the same surgery and left them..All I can say girls, let em go nicely if you are done with them.. leave some for the rest of us!  But this surgery has made me a little more bold..  If I can do this, I can go out on a date with anyone - and I can look for what I want.. its both annoying..(because I don't put up with as much) but its also exciting and fun.. and I hope it leads to good things in the future.

 Self Image
- This is really strange - because in a lot of ways I felt better about how I looked at a size 30/32 than I do at a size 18..  I think it changes so fast it takes a long time to catch up.. My skin is really wrinkly in a lot of places and prior, I felt firm - even thought it was fat.  Its hard to explain to someone who has not gone through it. I wish I could get my calves to slim up.. but I will keep working on it..
However, with the negative aside, I feel pretty and girlie.. and wear lots of dresses..  which is awesome..  I love my clavicles - never seen them before.. best accessory ever!

It is odd that I have gone down from a 50FF to a 36 DDD - yep that is a 14 inch loss on my back.. Wow.

Best things I did in the first year:
  • Saw a counselor and attended support group meetings.
  • Followed just a few blogs etc.. that were good sources.
  • Loosened up a bit, and lived my life more, and enjoy it more. (not such a protein nazi)
  • Joined the Obesity Action Coalition and Attended their Conference in Dallas.
  • Allowed good friends to support me.  Probably the rock star on this was Erin who came a few days after surgery and worked her tush off to help me in my immediate post surgery transitions.  Also,  She has been my wing girl on several dating experiences - even though she blocked me from playing with the 23 year old.  My local friends have been great and supportive.. Terri D with lots of support,  Bruce and Anthony helping me chronicle my progress and teaching me to Smize,  and  Jim and Amy loaning me a treadmill, and all of my other coworkers being so supportive.  Amy and Leah have listened to far too many whiny phone calls and I owe them drink on my next visit. 
  • Had my Mom come and take care of me after surgery - it was a great time together, I got to talk to her lots, not obsess on my recovery, and its a time that I will always hold special. 
  • I chose the right surgeon - Dr. Lana Nelson and had it Norman Regional Hospital on Porter in Norman.  The care was excellent.  There are a few things I would change in follow up, but overall my experience has been good.

    A few pictures to share - to show how far I have come.. but also to show how life was great before.. and it keeps getting better!! 
    Me riding a horse - May 21, 2013


    December 2011 with my nephew.

    Shanghai China -2010

    Wisconsin - Summer 2010

    New Orleans - 2011
    Teaching - Sept 2012

    August 2012

    August 2012 _ Milwaukee

    Healthy Sooner/Run Walk - Sept 2012

    Featured in a VIdeo as part of the iPad Launch - December 2012

Things I do now that I could not do before:
  • I am much better at pilates and just much more flexible overall - this is good for lots of things.
  • I bought a bike and am beginning to ride it - i Really could not ride a bike because it hurt my wrist way too much..
  • I rode a horse yesterday to celebrate my surgiversary - the last time I tried that was in Mexico in like 2003 - and I was really too big.
  • I am still cautious - like when we were hiking in McCormick's Creek a few nights away.. but I am much much more able to do many things, but sometimes forget that I can.. and have to get past being risk averse. 
  • and the greatest stuff that needs no explanation: Fit in Theater seats, fit in booths at restaurants, fit in one seat without an extender in airplanes, and best of all, crossing my legs.

Things I miss:
  • I miss being able to eat out and not worry about food.. 
  • I miss going out with friends and being able to drink a bunch or eat whatever> I have gotten a sick a few times when out in new places, and had to go lie down..  that sucks.
  • Sometimes I miss being invisible - I get noticed more in lots of ways and don't always know how to deal with it..

Things I look forward to..
  • Teaching in Italy in June 2014 - and being able to keep up with the students. 
  • Travel in General.  I walked 10 miles in one day in New Orleans this spring - could never have done that before.
  • Growing more confident with my living in my new skin and making it less of a focus ash I face new challenges.
  • Modeling and helping others in a weight loss journey - that doctor who yelled at me said - I had something to contribute, why could I not see it.. maybe this is part of it.
  • The things on my vision board: The bike, the calf boots I just bought, completing a 5K and not finishing last! and hopefully rock wall climbing and completing a pike before the year is out..(if my shoulder agrees) 
Things I regret
Not may .. maybe not being ready to do it earlier - I kind of morn my 20s and how much living I did not do because of my weight..  Everyone knew it but me.. Denial is fun..

Things I worry about..
  • Internal hernia.
  • Gaining it back.
  • Discovering more no no foods like Chips and Cookies that i can tolerate and I go back to old habits.. I saw this during finals/ grading week..
  • Becoming complacent and not keeping up with the workouts or getting too bored.

Final thoughts - it was a tough decision to lead to many more, but it was the right decision for me at the right time and I hope others luck if its the right decision for them. 

PS this was mostly written in BLoomington Indiana sitting at the old Copper Cup..  Its easy to be reflective in btown. 

I wonder what my thoughts will be this time next year.

Thursday, June 28, 2012